Gwydir Shire Council
The Gwydir Shire Council supports its community through services that allow the highest quality of life for all residents. Services that encourage all to participate in the community through learning, volunteering, cultural and recreational activities. Council is committed to serving the community through the provision of infrastructure and services to facilitate and promote safety, prosperity and wellbeing.
Gwydir Shire is located on the northwestern slopes and plains of NSW, approximately 560 kilometres north of Sydney, 160 kilometres north of Tamworth, 430 kilometres southwest of Brisbane, 85 kilometres west of Inverell and 80 kilometres east of Moree. Incorporating an area of 9,122 square kilometres, the Shire extends from the Nandewar Range in the south and north close to the QLD border.
The Shire has two small towns – Bingara and Warialda, 5 rural villages – North Star, Croppa Creek, Coolatai, Gravesend and Upper Horton. The Shire also has 21 rural localities – Boonal, Blue Nobby, Yallaroi, Crooble, Pallamallawa (part), Balfours Peak, Warialda Rail, Gineroi, Bangheet, Riverview, Elcombe, Pallal, Rocky Creek, Back Creek, Cobbadah, Gundamulda, Dinoga, Gulf Creek, Upper Bingara, Keera and Copeton.
Agriculture is the primary land use and economic activity of the Shire. Cattle and sheep production are the main activities, along with broadacre cropping. At the 2016 Census, the Shire had a population of 5,258.
Council’s Vision is: “To be the recognised leader in Local Government through continuous learning and sustainability”.
Both Warialda and Bingara have a Hospital, Aged Care Hostel, Medical Centre, Caravan Park, Swimming Pool, Fitness Centre, Library, Toy Library, Visitor Information Centre, Preschool and there is a mobile Preschool based at North Star.
Bingara is primarily the centre for Council’s Administrative functions, whereas Warialda is the centre for the Council’s Technical Services functions.