Peter’s (Roxy) Café

The Roxy Café is a hub for the Bingara community which supports the entertainment and conferencing activities of the adjacent theatre and meeting rooms.

The story of the Greek Café is a shared chapter in the histories of Greece and Australia, a chapter that is almost over. Very few Greek cafés operate as they did 50 years ago. The Roxy may be the last example of an interwar cinema and café remaining in Australia.

Greek Cafés changed the course of Australia’s cultural history and left a significant legacy on our culinary and cultural landscape. The Roxy is a symbol that epitomizes the Greek migration experience, one that made an outstanding contribution to the development of Australia. It is important that this story be shared with future generations.

The Roxy has become a place of great historical significance that exhibits local distinctiveness and a sense of place. Its civic pride and confidence in its heritage, in its cultural facilities and collections attracts people from all walks of life, all wanting to share this unique experience. The café is an important part of the community and of “destination Bingara” and provides visitors from near (approximately 186,000 people live within 2 hours) and afar with a unique and memorable experience.

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