Warialda Koala Park and Wildlife Reserve

The Warialda Koala Park and Wildlife Reserve is located on the Gwydir Highway on the western outskirts of Warialda and offers visitors a chance to see Koalas in the wild.

Established during the drought in 2019, Warialda local John Hodge created the park to prevent further deaths of Koalas trying to access water at the nearby treatment facility. This was achieved by installing three watering points and planting new habitat featuring food and shelter trees catering to Koalas as well as a variety of wildlife.

With the assistance of Gwydir Shire Council, North West Koala A.R.K.S, Northern Slopes/GWYMAC Landcare, Local Land Services, and WIRES the reserve has grown and developed to a wonderful refuge for the local koala and wildlife population.

If a sick or injured animal is found, please contact WIRES 24/7 on 1300 094 737 or www.wires.org.au/rescue/report-a-rescue.

When visiting the park, guests have an opportunity to view an interpretative signage display, detailing the history of the park, the Koala Life Cycle, Tree Species Planted and Wildlife Emergency Rescue Advice. Dogs on a lead are welcome.

Select a tree species below to find out more..

Blakely’s Red Gum – Eucalyptus blakelyi

Yellow Box – Eucalyptus melliodora

Warrior Bush- Apophyllum anomalum (Capparis anomala)

Wattle-Acacia – spp

Bottlebrush- Callistemon viminalis

Wild Orange- Capparis mitchelli

Narrow leaf Ironbark-Eucalyptus creba

Wilga-Geijera parviflora

Gumbi Gumbi (native apricot)- Pittosporum angustifolium

Native Olive-Notelaea microcarpa

Krui/Grui/Emu Apple- Owenia acidula

Desert Lime-Citrus glauca

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