Bingara Preschool

Bingara Preschool has a strong sense of community and supports the need for early childhood education. It provides highly qualified educators, more than is required by National Quality Standards, to ensure that your child receives the attention they deserve to instil a lifelong love of learning.

Bingara Preschool has an open door policy for families to participate in the Preschool, as it recognises that an important component of quality early childhood education is a successful partnership between families and the Preschool team.

Preschool Curriculum

The Bingara Preschool curriculum is both spontaneous and intentional and whilst it reflects children’s voices, it also maintains a balance between freedom and structure. Educators offer real life experiences, including: gardening, cooking, woodwork, music, art and drama. Children learn as they play, so they enjoy it.

Preschool needs to be FUN!

Everyone is welcome at Bingara Preschool and if necessary support will be sought and provided for children and families who require it. Community Health Services that are available include: speech, hearing and vision testing.

Bingara Preschool organises excursions outside Preschool and a range of special guests including African Dance and puppet shows visit the Preschool to broaden the cultural outlook in young children.

Download the Bingara Preschool Philosophy.

  • Preschool hours: Monday – Thursday from 8:00am to 3:30pm.
  • Children: Maximum of 41 per day, aged 3 to 6 years.
  • Fees: $30 a day, two days are free per week.

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