Bingara – Our Heritage

Bingara has a rich heritage, which is treasured by the community.  Memories aren’t something reserved for the past, but the impetus that drives the present and indeed the future.  The restoration of The Roxy Complex plays testimony to that.

The past is revered and celebrated in Bingara, not only by preserving structures like the Battery Stamper, Campbell Bridge and its magnificent heritage buildings, but through symbolic initiatives, like the planting of our orange trees.  Planted as a living memorial to Bingara’s fallen in World Wars I and II and harvested on only one day of the year, the young in Bingara are taught the significance of the past and the part it has played in the present.

The Myall Creek Memorial is another great example of how Bingara remembers its past, the good the bad and the ugly.  Myall Creek is now one of Australia’s most important centres of reconciliation and was recognised as such when on the 170th anniversary of the massacre, the site was placed on the National Heritage List (June 2008).

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