Warialda High School

“Providing advantage through diverse educational opportunities”

We are committed to providing all our students with a wide range of educational opportunities in preparation for life long learning.

The Warialda High community guides each student towards independent and responsible citizenship by providing a balanced and relevant curriculum within a caring and stimulating environment. Our school offers the widest possible range of subjects to prepare students for life after school, whether in the work force, at university, or in other training institutions. The school encourages as many students as possible to graduate with the dual accreditation of a Higher School Certificate and industry recognised knowledge and skills. All our students are given many opportunities to participate in academic, cultural, vocational and sporting activities.

Warialda High draws students from the township of Warialda as well as from surrounding villages and towns up to 80 kilometres away. A committed School Council and an active Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C) provide positive and valued input into school decision-making. Our school and the wider community maintain a close and mutually supportive relationship, particularly in the areas of sport and vocational education. We are proud of the education we offer our community and the opportunities we provide for individual success now and in the future.

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