Warialda Health and Community Services
The Gwydir Shire supports its community through services that allow the highest quality of life for all residents. The Council has an impressive range of services for all ages in our community. These services encourage all to participate in the community through learning, volunteering, cultural and recreation activities.
The Warialda community has a willingness to gather around those in need and has often raised large sums of money and volunteered large numbers of hours for charity and community projects. There is a real sense of family within our community and everyone is encouraged to participate as a volunteer or beneficiary.
For the older members of the community, people with disabilities and their carers, there is a range of services available to assist them to live independently, including Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), Meals on Wheels, transport and housing. Warialda has an aged care home with a new dementia unit completed in April 2015, a 25 bed hospital, modern medical centre, ambulance service and visiting specialists.
The emergency services include Police, Ambulance, Fire, Rural Bush Fire Service and State Emergency Service. Warialda provides Centrelink Agency that enables the community to access this service without the need to travel to a major centre. Warialda also has a library and a Tourist Information Centre. A swimming pool and good sporting facilities such as the Warialda Indoor Sports Complex and the Warialda Tennis Courts and Clubhouse are available to everyone wishing to partake in sporting activities. Swimming and football are strongly supported, but many other sports are struggling to have stand-alone competitions through lack of volunteers to manage the sports.
Sport has economic as well as social benefits for an area. When competitions or sporting days are presented in rural towns, a large influx of people attend these events and spend money in the area. Local sports create socialising activities for adults as well as helping youth to establish friendships that carry through into high school and create a sense of community. Warialda is well situated on a recognised travel and transport route from north to south and east to west. There are regular coach services connecting with rail and air services from Tamworth. Another coach service runs from Moree through to Inverell and onto the Gold Coast. Warialda has a friendly, enthusiastic community spirit.