Warialda Commonwealth Home Support Program

As you get older, everyday tasks can become more difficult. Even though you need help, you may still want to live at home. Asking for help doesn’t mean losing your independence or moving out of home.

The Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) helps senior Australians access entry-level support services to live independently and safely at home.

CHSP works with you to maintain your independence rather than doing things for you.

Council runs a CHSP service in Warialda and our staff co-ordinate a range of activities and services including:

Transport Bookings

Aged Care Assessment Team referrals

Information for Vital Call

Meals on Wheels

Department of Veteran’s Affairs transport claims

Social Activities

Social Support & Outings

Is it for me?

Eligibility for this program is based on your support needs and age.

If you’re having trouble with everyday tasks and feel that a little support could improve your health and wellbeing, CHSP could be right for you.

To be eligible for this program, you must be aged:

65 years or older (50 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people), or

50 years or older on a low income who are homeless, or at risk of being homeless.

You can check your eligibility and apply online for a face-to-face assessment to find out what services you could receive based on your needs.

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