Bizclean Mats and Hygiene Services

Bizclean Mats & Hygiene Services is based in Warialda and has been in operation under various names since 1993. Warialda is located centrally to major regional centres and the staff travel up to 3 hours in all directions.

The core business is the supply of a variety of nitrile backed nylon carpet top mats. The mats are statically charged to attract dust and retain dirt particles which move to the base of the fibres. Mats are collected and exchanged on a recurring basis of weekly, fortnightly or an agreed time depending on the degree of cleanliness required and the amount of foot traffic. Bizclean supply this service to all types of business and government departments. As an add on to these services Bizclean supply and service feminine hygiene units, washroom utilities such as soap, cistern sanitises and sharps disposal units. Continuous cotton hand towel dispensers are also popular with workshops and supermarkets. Bizclean also service Ecomist Insect and Deodorising products.

Bizclean is owned by the Willis family, who moved from the grazing property, just outside of Coolatai, to Warialda in 1994 after working on properties around Lightning Ridge, Warren, and Scone. Up until 2001 the business operated with a couple of second-hand machines out of the old bakery behind what is now the Civic Café. Yallaroi Shire Council (now Gwydir Shire Council) made it possible to move to the current location in Hope Street and purchase 3 new American Sailstar washing machines. The original building was a bike shop and spray-painting business. The old picture, supplied by the Marle family, of the building (which became the Scout Hall) being transported to what is now the northern end of the Caravan Park which has since been decommissioned.

Bizclean Mats & Hygiene Services has had difficulty finding a business name to describe what it provides. Originally, Norwestern Laundries and now Bizclean Mats & Hygiene Services with a few others in between. One of the names tried was MTH Systems, but no one knew what MTH stood for (Mats Towels Hygiene). Each name presented a problem. Bizclean are not a laundry in the normal sense. The business does not wash clothes, nor does it provide cleaning services, although they will wash large items such as doonas for the locals.

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