Bingara Library

Bingara Library is a member of the Central Northern Regional Library (CNRL) giving Gwydir residents access to a much larger and broader range of library resources. New developments in the delivery of library service allows residents greater access to collections, on-line resources and programs for every age group no matter where they live.

New members can join on-line at to gain access to the whole regional collection plus much more including free downloads, reference libraries, large font books, talking books, music and eBooks, links to the State Library of NSW and much more.

Membership to the Central Northern Regional Library is free.

Visit the library to enjoy the use of free WIFI and numerous public access computers, printing facilities (at a cost) or participate in one of the many programs the branch delivers.

The library also offers a delivery service. Please contact the library for details.

Programs and Events

The library offers a variety of regular programs and special events for all ages including:

  • Author talks
  • Storytime
  • Craft and hobby groups
  • Book clubs
  • School holiday activities
  • STEM programs

Remote Access Customers

The library offers a delivery service; Books can be reserved on-line and delivered to any Shire resident who becomes a member of the Library.

The email helpline caters for requests and reservations, response time is generally 1-3 working days.

School project researching can be assisted by simply emailing the details to our branch email address and one of our staff members will assist children in remote areas with research into school projects and homework.


Monday and Friday: 10:00am – 1:00pm

Tuesday to Thursday: 10:00am – 1:00pm; 3:00pm – 5:00pm

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